Recommended Policies & Practices

Tier 1: Program- and School-wide Supports

The recommended policies and practices are organized to parallel the structure of a multitiered system of support. Tier 1 recommended policies and practices focus on program-wide policies, procedures, and practices that help program leaders reduce exclusionary discipline practices occurring in the program. Tier 1 recommended policies and practices address building a program climate that (1) promotes collaboration, problem solving, teacher capacity building, and prevention-based approaches, and (2) reduces teacher stress, ineffectiveness, and the negative effects these have on child behaviors and outcomes.

Tier 2: Supports for Working with Individual Classrooms

Tier 2 recommended policies and practices address how program leaders can work with individual classroom providers/teachers to support a positive, culturally inclusive environment and provide evidence-based supports for preventing and managing children’s behavior challenges.

Tier 3: Supports for Teachers Working with Individual Children

Tier 3 recommended policies and practices help program leaders support providers/teachers in addressing the needs of individual children through functional behavior assessment and tailored behavior support plans.